Star Journey

I took a sip and blew of my head
Rolled around on the ground
Left my body for dead.
I flew past the moon
Burned by a few stars
Seeking what was coming soon.
True brightness, the greatest of lights
And it beckoned me, step in
One way only, no exit in sight.
I leapt right into the light that was you
Watched your death once more,
Finally you rose, and together we flew.
We melted like one in time and space
Unified beings, all are here
No need for the never ending race.
A million years later, back home we came
Past those stars, that glittering moon
Life will never be the same.
Don’t forget; we are still liquescent
Melting together, like stars into moon
All good, all beings, all love heaven sent.

A cold and sunny day

It should be spring, a few days away

Bright sunshine burns

Through cold air

And lands on brown earth


And she lays on me, beside me


Not breathing

She won’t be here on the equinox


But on this cold and sunny day

She lays quietly on a bed

In the sun

Covered in a towel


On this cold and sunny day

She is more then a cat to us

She is our baby, sister, daughter

She represents love, and cuddling


An angel, a messenger, dear friend

Who takes her last breath

And moves somewhere else

On this cold and sunny day.

Just a Clear Little Night

The Dog

He needs to be walked and walked and walked

It doesn’t matter if it is raining or snowing, he needs to walk

And do his business

So I took him out last night

Last night, out into the cool air, bundled up in my purple down jacket

With the fake furry fringe around my face

Which allows me to peak out, as if from a tunnel

I peak out and I see a clear, dark, crisp sky

Stars shining, twinkling with their gaseous light

And a half full moon glowing bright white in the center of the sky

We walk and walk and he does his business

The shadows of the leave-less Spring trees follow us back down the empty dark street

Their spiny branches creating fingers that reach for us, reach for us, reach for us

And it’s so beautiful

So beautiful that I cannot imagine not going out for this walk

I needed to be breathing in the fresh air of this clear little night

With my tunnel vision, and dog in tow

And the leave-less shadow trees reaching, reaching, reaching.