
Look out your window

And notice the still quietness

A calm and quiet river

Reflecting back all she sees. 

Trees float gently on her surface

Golden in the early morning light. 

Clouds on the horizon

Puffy cotton gliding lightly on the surface.

And mighty sun, she rises

Orange, red, pink, yellow

Vibrant mirror like presence.

This is the place where fire meets water

The impossible becomes reality

Right before you

River reflects life.

A Dusting of Winter

A dusting of white snow

Falls from the sky

And covers this world

In a beautiful quiet sugar coating

Crystals, clear, white, purity.

A chance now to settle down

Into some winter healing

Playing, resting, cuddling

Yoga before sudden snow squalls

And naps in front of warm fireplaces.

Hot tea to coat the soul

White winter dreams

Emerging through the long, cold, dark nights

Twinkling like the stars

That guide us from above.

It’s just a dusting of snow

For now it’s here

And tomorrow it may be gone

Flying away, melting back to earth

Like the thoughts that stream through

Our warm winter dreams.



Summer Home

I tried not to drag out

The long sweet good bye.

I simply gazed upon you

Shining so bright and alive.


So farewell for now

My dear sweet place

Where all of these months

You have been my solid base.


I leave you in colors

Bright with crimson and gold

Soon they too will flee

Crumbling and crinkly, gone and old.


I know you will stand here solidly

All through the winter long

And when I return

I will bring with me a new song.


A song of love

Of generosity and light

A song to sing aloud

through the changing season’s light.

Eagle or

I thought it was an eagle

At first

Grandly flying by

Oh, wait …


Look harder now

See what I can see

Maybe it’s just a gull

Betraying of my eyes


Breathe and notice

The river gone out to sea

The blue, blue sky

The fading of the day


She flies by again

Graceful and giant

Huge wing span

Oh, Osprey


So clear now

And I can let go

Let go of desire for eagle

And embrace the osprey

I just knew

I woke up in the dark

And in a sleep -filled haze

The image and the feeling

They grew into me and ….

I knew


I suddenly had realized

How all things work together

How the yin comes to meet the yang

How the good mixes with the evil

I got it all, and I knew


I saw it as the ying and the yang

But instead of white,black, grey

It was white and purple and blue

I breathed it all in on one breath

And I knew


I knew great comfort in this perception

And I knew an answer of sorts

How the pain leads to healing

The light shines into the dark

I now knew


I knew I could remember

The feeling of knowing was so deep

And so real, I was floating with it

I was it, in every cell; complete

And I wish for you to know too.


They keep falling, falling right in front of me

All around me like a swirling blanket

I glance up to see swooping, flying, and dancing

They fall and land and take a rest at last


Each in its own unique pattern

Bright white, reflecting the light

Falling from hundreds of feet above

They fall and come to rest, releasing the swirling dance


I cannot see then individually, they cling and fly apart

But they act in concert, soon they will be the blankets and piles

Blankets of bright heavenly postcards

Blinding me when I look up, blinding me with brightness and ice, they fall and rest


They come to rest and yes, some are plowed into piles,

Others formed into snowmen and snowballs

Or forts, or trails for skis, or icicles

Dripping down, down down toward the ground


Come Spring and Summer, I will drink them

They will become me

Part of my cellular makeup, the water on which I will run

In that way, I am also falling whiteness, a blanket right now


I am falling, and bright white, and piling up

I am snowballs, and trails, and piles of snow

I am melting and becoming one into the earth,

I am seeping into the water supply moment by moment


And you, you are also white and frozen now

Falling, piling, forming, melting

Coming back to earth

Coming back to the Htwo and the O


White postcards from heaven

Falling silently, I cannot hear them land

But I know soon, soon, soon

We will be one.

She is rising

I make my way downstairs

It is summer, warm, warm summer

And as I look out the window

and get the coffee pot ready

She begins to peak over the horizon at me

Reddish and Orange

Growing slowly but surely

Just like yesterday

And every other day

She grows and blooms before me


This morning She reflects of the River

Her orange and yellow glow

Steam rising, rising up off the water

To meet her golden light

Wind ripples water

On this warm, warm summer morning


She rises and rises

Moving slowly and steadily

She will make her way following her predictable path

This morning, this warm summer morning

Creating glimmering light so bright

That it is impossible to look at

The reflection beyond the capacity of the human eye.

It cannot be held

But it can be returned to

again and again


The birds respond and wake

Signaling to the world

That today has begun

We have another chance

Another opportunity

For light to emerge all around us

And within us

Just as she has risen and shown her strength

So may we.

A Heart

How do you fix a heart

That was broken so long ago?

It was stitched and patched back together

With silk and gossamer tears

And thin scar tissue barely threatens to hold

The broken heart halves together


How do you mend that hole

Where the blood and the tears mix

Together as one

Before they leak and then pour

Merging into a lake sized puddle

Spreading slowly across the floor?


Where do you go

To buy the proper materials

And find the best mechanic, artist, technician, or doctor

To put it all back together,

in a way that makes sense?

Please make this poor heart, so full of holes

A whole heart again


This heart full of holes

Releases its leaden balloons

Sending up signals

Here is anxiety

Here is pain

Here is fear

And anger comes along too

Leaden, heavy balloons


They are floating

Floating heavily before me

Until they slowly fall

Dragging the broken stitched up heart behind them

Into the lake puddle of blood

Leaving me wondering

What now for this empty, empty space

The remaining hole in my chest

With the heart that could not be patched or stitched up again

What now.


Just a Clear Little Night

The Dog

He needs to be walked and walked and walked

It doesn’t matter if it is raining or snowing, he needs to walk

And do his business

So I took him out last night

Last night, out into the cool air, bundled up in my purple down jacket

With the fake furry fringe around my face

Which allows me to peak out, as if from a tunnel

I peak out and I see a clear, dark, crisp sky

Stars shining, twinkling with their gaseous light

And a half full moon glowing bright white in the center of the sky

We walk and walk and he does his business

The shadows of the leave-less Spring trees follow us back down the empty dark street

Their spiny branches creating fingers that reach for us, reach for us, reach for us

And it’s so beautiful

So beautiful that I cannot imagine not going out for this walk

I needed to be breathing in the fresh air of this clear little night

With my tunnel vision, and dog in tow

And the leave-less shadow trees reaching, reaching, reaching.

Finally a yoga teacher

I am completing my 200 hour yoga teacher training this weekend. I remain humbled and excited to see where this dharma might lead me. The changes have been subtle and meaningful. I am amazed that my capacity to grow and evolve remains in place, though sometimes I feel stuck, stuck, stuck in the attachments, cravings, and aversions of this material world. Yes it is normal but i see it more clearly every day, feel it more dearly, this need to let it go and let it go and let it go.

The major change from undertaking this journey that I feel confident in mentioning is that my “anger” seems to have dampened. I still suffer from anxiety, but I am better able to observe and let go, strive for peace regardless of the situation. Let go, let go, let go, let go. I do not have to do it all, I do not have to be responsible for failure, I can learn and move and grow.  I also see yoga more clearly each day as the path to a peaceful death, as well as a way to meet the stress of life, by taking the philosophy from the mat and applying it off the mat. Like it or not, death looms large before all of us, and I recall the hours I have spent as a hospice nurse, sitting at the bedside, holding a hand, watching the breath of others on their slow or fast movement toward death. And we all march on, every breath closer to the end, every breath an opportunity for growth, every breath a chance to be here now before the inevitable arrives.

The other day I was laying on the mat in my favorite little yoga studio. I lay staring up at the plain white ceiling and the long bright mid-day light came streaming through the windows. I had a flash of laying in bed, waiting to die, recalling the San Francisco Hospital, with its “Nightingale floors”, where I used to take nursing students for their first clinical experience. Some of the wards housed 20-30 patients, beds lined up on either side of the open room, with only a thin curtain to provide a chance at privacy. This was a city funded hospital, where many truly indigent patients would come to live and die, and the style of care often seemed as ancient as the 100 year old buildings.

But laying on the mat, I thought of the tall ceilings of this hospital, of the people who resided there, living and dying,  and how if I had my yoga practice, or even  the capacity to simply focus on my breath for some time, I could do this death thing, or anything, peacefully. I could breathe, and breathe, and breathe my way out of this suffering world when my time was right.

From the Mat

I look up and stare into the white light, the warmth, the all and nothing blending together

And I breathe

I notice the knots on the white washed wood. I realize how old this building is

Brick and mortar and wood and wires that will surely someday collapse in and down and around, back toward the earth

I wonder if anybody died in this place where I am now, feeling certain they have

And I breathe

The warm sun light streams into the room, basking me, floating me on its rays

And for just this moment I find it, that spaciousness, that opening to life

The peace, the letting go, the thing I have been craving

And I breathe

It floats away as new thoughts enter. I continue rearranging my thoughts

Thoughts flowing through predictably, continually, like the stars marching across the night sky

Which is okay for now, because I can at some point remember

To let go, let go, let go and watch the thoughts march by

Because I breathe.

Here on the mat.

With the white washed walls, the sun shining through, and my heart opening to peace, to the all and nothing.

And then we sit together. We chant aum and we say namaste to one another in a meaningful way.

I can feel that connection before it dissolves; yes I do see the light and beauty in you and me, in this room, with the light streaming in through the tall windows and reflecting of the white walls.

Because I breathe, and breathe, and breathe….