Peace Prayer: Please

Sitting in a quiet comfortable place

With your blessings all around

Open up your heart’s deep space

And pray without a sound.


If you believe peace is a right

Then say your prayers right here

God, please help us end this fight

Take away the suffering and the fear.


When we are feeling safe and warm

It is the time to pray

God please remove all of the harm

And bring peace now to stay.


Can you feel the space

The one that peace can create?

Bringing forward a new time and place

Leaving behind fear and hate.


So if you believe in peace

Pray with all of your heart

That all of these wars will cease

And fear will fall apart.


Note from the author: If you have been blessed with a capacity for peace right now, please share that with the world in whatever way you can. Some ways to spread peace are to keep propagating it through action, thought, and a peaceful consciousness.



Grief, a Visitor

She came to visit me this morning

I was fine, listening to the guidance

Of the meditation leader’s voice

I felt nothing but peace

And then I was crying

Holding the grief and also watching it rise up through my body.


I cobbled it back together

I pushed her away for a bit, leave me along grief

And again I was fine

Feeding kids breakfast

Jogging around the loop outside the door

Listening to a story podcast

Ah, I am just fine

Until she detailed the loss of her 10 month old baby

I couldn’t stop listening

And I went down in again

Grief slid her arms around me

And pulled me down, down, down

I am here with you now she whispered to me

I am the guest you can’t get rid of so easily.


The book I finished

The blog about a mother accepting her body finally

The pictures from Gaza

The pleas for peace and understanding

The children of mine, happy to do nothing and just play

The longing for what never was

The wondering of what will be

The clouds, rain, sun, humidity

Boats passing by on a beautiful mountain lake

The nap and the headache

The work left undone, because it must be undone.


All day this unexpected visitor

The one I did not invite

She sits by me, near me

She moves into my heart and pushes the tears out of my eyes

She creates a giant lump in my throat

She dims my appetite and gives me a runny nose

She seems to say I am here

This is my day with you

Do what you can, but for today, I am settled in

And I am not the type of guest who can entertain myself

Who can go see the sights and meet up for drinks later

I am the visitor who lingers on with no suggestion of relief

I am grief:  your unexpected guest, your unwelcomed, persistent visitor.



It WIll Be

Someday that will be me

Sitting on a beautiful island

Smiling, surrounded by grandchildren

Speaking from that podium up front

Eating that deliciously amazing meal

Breaking the tape at the finish line

Wearing that gorgeous outfit

Winning over the right person

Living in that lovely house by the ocean

Holding your hand

Wearing the cutest cowboy boots

Becoming your best friend

Victory in hand after winning that award

Treking up that mountain

Someday that will be me

Sleeping in and staying up late

Singing with a perfectly matched pitch

Smiling at my adoring fans

Living a life of humble service

Going off the grid

Running marathon after marathon

Sipping the finest wine

Riding the bucking bronco

Writing the novel of my dreams

Winning you over, again, again, again

Yes, someday that will be me

But until then…

I will smile, nod, and choke back

The green monster of envy

That crawls around in my brain

I want, I want, I want…..

Someday that will be me.



This War, This Peace

I think, I can’t do this again

Not another war

I can’t watch it all

Tearing families apart

Dead children on cots

Other fleeing for their lives

Over the globe again

Shooting people out of the sky.

I think, this is not MY war

I didn’t ask for this.

I can’t watch as man harms man

And babies, women, innocents are lost.

I think stop already, enough

This is getting us nowhere, nowhere good.

Let’s all just go home quietly

And live through our differences.

Practice acceptance of humankind.

Let’s shut down this ridiculous machine

Let’s stop this war, after war, after war.

When I was younger I thought I won’t bring children

Into a world filled with war and hate

And now I have done that

And I think, we need them now.

We need the children to hold us

And teach us about love and peace

Remind us about innocence and light

Teach them to carry that peace forward.

So “your war” has become

A war on peace

Pushing my motivation to strive for peace


Peace in thought

Peace in action

Peace from within

Peace through prayers

To share with a world

That seems to have lost all serenity.

Join in, bring light now

Peace will not be defeated.

In a place seemingly devoid of power

What we can do now

Is strengthen our hold on peace.

Each one of us practicing peace.

Peace, be here now.

Peace, shine through us all.

Peace, in all we do.



Peace Now

To all of the suffering children

Living in trauma and abuse

Know peace now

Aum Shanti Aum


To the women with endless tears

From loss and grief

Aum Shanti Aum

All Peace Now


To the purveyors of war

Fear behind all decisions

Aum Shanti Aum

Bring peace now


To the suffering, the hurt, the anxious

The unknown darkside of humanity

Peace light love now

Aum Shanti Aum.


All Peace Now

All Peace Now

All Peace Now

Aum Shanti Aum.




Watching, she let the tears slide down

The feeling of the loss

Grew immense, strong, overwhelming

In her small body


How had they all moved apart

Dropping out of each other’s lifes

Like raindrops falling from grey clouds

Landing far apart in one giant pond


And in that pond, how was it

That they would never come into contact

That they would fly apart forever

Each following a different path


Though really it matters not

Letting the tears slide down today

Feeling the loss throughout

This is what matters today.


Someday Peace

Folding laundry

Watching a show

Grief can come

And grief can go


Tears spike up easily

Cascading down, and down

The emotions can become too much

A tide that might just drown


Why did you all leave me

Alone to live this life

Sometimes I am not strong enough

To face each fear and strife


But leave you did

and away you all went

Sometimes I will cry and cry

Moving through a new event


I should be thankful

For the emotion, the release

It is far better, lighter now

And someday there will be peace.




Dear One

Flying one, moving through air

Soar high, never stay low

There is power in your wings and heart

Fly away, higher still,  now go


Water Being of the sea

Proceed swiftly and smooth

Part those waters cleanly

Keep yourself on the move


Fire Filled Ace

Shine on, shine bright

Flicker don’t falter

Illuminate the exit path with light


Dearest Earth One

Be better, smile, and be well

Stand up, brush off

Walk away from that hell.